Ways To Give
Monthly / Annual Giving OR Recurring Donations
Monthly donation is the easiest and most efficient way to support LPCUWC. It provides a stable income for us to support our work and you can also maximize the impact of your gift for the students!
Class or Reunion Gift
To pay tribute to the UWC Education you received and to provide future students with the exceptional experiential and transformational learning at LPCUWC you experienced before, we appreciate any class donation right after your graduation or during your reunion year. Donations can be given under a class year or a scholarship initiative towards a country.
Legacy Giving
Legacies are a vital part of UWC’s future. They enable us to make long-term commitments with greater confidence. Legacies also allow us to develop strategies and future plans which might not otherwise be possible without the knowledge that definite financial aid is available in the future. If you are interested in leaving a legacy to UWC, please email to development@lpcuwc.edu.hk for more information.