Socio-diverse residential life to develop independence
LPCUWC is a 100% residential community. Residential life forms an important third pillar of education. Living together on the same campus enables students to learn how to share, to trust, to get on with others, to learn from one another, and to form friendships for life.
One of the goals of LPCUWC is to create a community which encourages the expression of every culture, while ensuring that all beliefs and faith are respected. This means that students learn to live with and appreciate peers who have different needs and values.
Trust and consideration are the fundamental principles of residential life at UWC. The 250+ students of LPCUWC live in the 4 residential blocks on campus. Each room is shared by four students. Residences and rooms are deliberately diverse, socio-engineered in order to offer the students the best opportunities to share in a meaningful way. Whenever possible, rooms are composed of two second year and two first year students, two from Hong Kong and two from different overseas regions.
Through living together in a block, participating in Block meetings and engaging in Block Activities, students are put into an environment learn to respect, cooperate, compromise, and act with integrity and responsibility.
As part of the residential experiences, students are required to participate in a range of activities that foster cultural understanding, including Cultural Evening, Global Issues Forum, Project Week, etc.
These elements are additional items that add to the IB experience, putting students into environments where they will have to build cultural understanding via project / activity planning, conflict resolution and debate & discussions. Our students as a result develop a much more hands on sense of understanding of the world - where a political conflict that they used to read on the news now mean very real, as they now have friends who have personally been affects by those conflicts and were able to share first person experiences to them
Work Experience
June 2025 - April 2026
Life at LPCUWC can get overwhelming at times, but there is also a strong sense of community where multiple sources of support are available.
All full time teaching staff live on campus and are tutors. The tutors and the tutor groups are important lines of support providing guidance, a ‘home away from home’ atmosphere, a shoulder to cry on in times of need and a group with whom to share good news.
There are also Peer Supporters in all of our residences. These are second-year students who have undergone an intensive and extensive training program. They can provide valuable, confidential, neutral and emotional support to their peers. All of the peer supporters have actively promoted positive mental health on campus and can offer a gateway into counseling services, also available on campus, when necessary.
How Blocks Are Organised

The 250+ students of LPCUWC live in the 4 residential blocks on campus.
Blocks are of three floors. Typically with ground floor being block common facilities, then Girls' floor on 2nd floor and Boys' floor on third floor.
Every month there is block meeting for the block to come together to discuss topics and issues related to the living environment. As a Block, there are regular Block Activities as well to foster friendships across rooms within Blocks.
Within the block there are also other shared facilities, such as gender-specific shower room on each floor, day room for simple cooking or relaxing around the sofa area, laundry room with washing machine and dryers.
How Rooms Are Organised
Each room is shared by four students, usually formed by two 2nd years and two 1st years, typically comprised of a local HK students and an international student per year.
Rooms are in the shape of a square, where each student occupy a corner. Basic facilities are in place when students move in, including a table, a bed (with mattress), and a walldrobe. Students are encourages to personalize their corner, where furniture can either be acquired new from furniture stores (e.g. IKEA) nearby or from used furniture left over from graduated students.
All full time teaching staff live on campus and are tutors to 12~20 students. Tutors act as the student's "parents" on campus, regularly meeting once a month to foster a ‘home away from home’ atmosphere with social events organized with the tutor's family. Within each tutor group, first year students are also each assigned to a second year student as their "Buddy", who can provide valuable guidance as first year students adjust to the boarding life at LPCUWC.

Residential Experiences
Cultural Evenings

Cultural Evenings are the epitome of our celebration of diversity.
Cultural evenings are organized to promote international understanding and appreciation, a chance for students to completely immerse in others cultures and showcase their own.
There are five cultural evenings each year, starting with an International Cultural Evening prepared by second years for incoming first years. Students experience cultures around the world with the four cultural evenings that follow, each focusing on a different region - Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East & South Asia, North America and South America on a two-year rotation and China annually. By graduation, everyone will have prepared their own and had a glimpse of all other regions.
Cultural Evenings are built on collective effort. The experience starts way before the actual evening. Students from the same region come together to prepare, present, and facilitate a highly-anticipated cultural show, a dinner of regional cuisines, and a week of pre-performance events (including a Global Issues Forum session) for the entire college community. Although a staff member supervises each evening, students lead the way, showing strong initiative, responsibility, collaboration, and creativity.
Global Issues Forum
Incorporated into the academic cycle, every month the community comes together at the hall for Global Issues Forum (GIF).
At GIF, the community discusses a variety of topics of political, environmental, social, economic, cultural and religious significance. These are put together by a team of student facilitators. However, the occasion also provides a platform for other QCs that hope to engage the community in their cause and cultural evening groups to shine light on an issue distinctive to their region.
Diversity really comes to life here. Students speak their minds, reflecting on the manifestation of the issue in their respective societies, quoting their own experiences. Ideas clash and blend. Every point on every spectrum can be found here. Political, cultural, philosophical differences are unleashed, together with the potential for innovative solutions and revelations offered by diversity.
GIF sessions often overrun, as do reflections. By the time students walk out of the hall, a conclusion may still be far from sight, but there is a greater understanding of the opposite perspectives, and surely – a continuation of the debate at the canteen table.

Project Week

Project Week is an opportunity for students to learn by action and experience outside of their normal Quan Cai programme.
It is also a chance for students to travel abroad and develop a deeper understanding of the Asia Pacific region.
In the second term, all students go on Project Week. These trips focus on Service, Action and Creativity projects in the East and South-east Asian region. From trips on fighting slavery to educational empowerment, Project Weeks are opportunities to further pursue causes and interests developed in Quan Cai activities.
Students who are passionate about other causes can even propose and lead their own trips.