Applying to LPCUWC is well known among candidates to be a highly rewarding experience by itself. The application process requires you to fully understand our education mission and program, answer some self-discovering applications, and, if selected to next round, participate in group activities with other candidates while interacting with our current students and alumni.
If you are a student who has never switched schools, this might be your first time in writing an application!
These questions require you to reflect on your past and share with us your thinking, your actions and your learnings. It might seem challenging at first, but trust us that not only is your answers important to us, there are just as important to you to get to understand yourself too!
Don't worry though if you run into any questions or challenges during the application process - we regularly host events to offer help, or you can directly email admissions@lpcuwc.edu.hk for assistance. For more details around the Application, click through our subpages to understand more.
First, Make Sure You Are Eligible To Apply
Or Only Currently Studying
Secondary 1~4 or Year 7~10?

What Qualities Do We Seek Among Applicants?
UWC seeks students who want to become change-makers for a better world - no matter their socio-economic, religious, national, ethnic or cultural background.
We use five key standards for selecting students to ensure they will be able to best utilize the opportunity to study and live with young people from around the world on one campus and work on furthering UWC mission's for a more peaceful and sustainable future
Intellectual curiosity
and motivation:
A genuine urge to learn about the world around oneself, with an ability to grasp a range of local and global issues, and analyse them critically
Active Commitment
Ability to question, confront and reflect on the values of oneself, own family and own community, then be able to act on beliefs responsibly, and with courage
Social Competence
Ability to express oneself, make contact, work together, interact respectfully with different people in different situations and achieve solutions together
Resilience, Personal Responsibility & Integrity
Ability to look after oneself physically & emotionally during challenging times, adhering to UWC’s principles with sense of humility and willingness to listen
Passion and ability to contribute to UWC, and actively promote its values
Before you begin, note that there are TWO WAYS to apply to LPCUWC depending on your nationality status and scholarship needs!
*The process is highly similar but if you apply via the incorrect route, your application might be adversely reviewed!
Via UWC National Committee
(for scholarship applicants & fee payers)
Most students in the IBDP years at UWC are selected through one of UWC's national committees. Representing UWC in over 159 countries and territories, UWC national committees form a global network that seeks & selects students with great potential from around the world, often in the most unlikely places.
If you require scholarship, apply via this process.
Over 65% of students selected through the UWC national committee system are offered financial assistance. Scholarships are granted on the basis of each individual's needs and means.
For students who are currently residing in Hong Kong, and/or have a Hong Kong Permanent ID card or dependent visa, you should apply through the UWC Hong Kong Committee, who runs the selection process in partnership with LPCUWC.
Via UWC Global Selections Programme
(for fee payers only)
Global Selection Programme (GSP) is a route to directly apply to LPCUWC for Overseas students with no financial assistance.
No scholarships are available via this route and places are limited. Only students who do not have a Hong Kong Permanent ID or Dependent Visa is eligible for this route.
GSP is a process that runs by the UWC International Office. Applicants who apply through that process can select LPCUWC as one of the five schools for consideration, and LPCUWC will then operate the selection process directly with you.