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Frequently Asked Questions
Are Secondary 5 / Grade 11 / Year 12 students eligible to apply to UWCs?Secondary 5 / Grade 11 / Year 12 students who are Hong Kong permanent ID card holders or dependent visa holders may also apply through the Hong Kong National Committee (UWCHK) and the same selection process applies. However, they should note that they will enter as a Year 1 student into the UWC and will need to complete the 2-year IB curriculum.
Can I apply to a particular UWC school?If you apply through UWC Hong Kong National Committee, you are applying to the UWC movement as a whole. You will be able to indicate your top 10 preferences for UWC schools or colleges, but the UWC Hong Kong Committee will make the final decision as to where to nominate selected students. This is to ensure a good mix of students at every UWC.
Want to learn more about the experience studying in Li Po Chun UWC!Visit
Want to learn more about the experience studying in Overseas UWC!Visit
I really want to attend a UWC, but the cost is more than my family can afford. Are scholarships difficult to obtain?"Almost every student who comes to a UWC does so with scholarship assistance. More than 60% of Hong Kong students receive up to full scholarship according to their family’s financial situation. As far as possible, we try to ensure that no student is prevented from attending a UWC for financial reasons.
I am a Hong Kong permanent ID card / dependent visa holder but I am currently residing overseas. I will not be able to attend any of the selection events in Hong Kong. Is that okay?Alternative tasks will be arranged for applicants who are unable to attend some or all of the selection events personally in Hong Kong if they are currently studying or living abroad. Please detail the current situation on the application form or contact the Admission Office at
I am a Hong Kong permanent ID card / dependent visa holder but I am currently residing overseas. I will not be able to attend any of the selection events in Hong Kong. Is that okay?Alternative tasks will be arranged for applicants who are unable to attend some or all of the selection events personally in Hong Kong if they are currently studying or living abroad. Please detail the current situation on the application form or contact the Admission Office at
How many students apply to come to LPCUWC and overseas UWC each year, and how many do you accept?"The number of applications varies each year, ranging from about 300 to over 400. Each year, we accept about 50 new students from Hong Kong into the LPCUWC and about 80 from other countries. UWC Hong Kong Committee nominates around 15 students to overseas UWC each year.
Who should I pick to write my recommendation letter?You can invite your teacher or coaches from your extra-curricular activities write your recommendation letter. We recommend you choose somebody who knows you well so they would be able to tell use more about you.
My parents can't write English. Can they complete the parent statement in Chinese?That would not be a problem. Our assessors and reviewers are mostly bilingual who would be able to understand the parent statements.
How many different countries do the students at LPCUWC come from?At present, we have students from more than 80 different countries. Around 45% of our students come from Hong Kong, and the remaining 55% come from around the world.
I know that LPCUWC is fully residential. What is the residential arrangement like?Staff and students live in four residential blocks that curve along the ridge overlooking the waters of Starfish Bay and Tolo Harbour. Male and female students are separated into different floors. Each room accommodates four students, usually two Hong Kong students and two others from different continents.
What is the food like at LPCUWC?LPCUWC has the reputation of having some of the best food in any school in Hong Kong, or indeed in any UWC according to many reports. Each day, a choice of Western and Chinese meals is available, with a vegetarian and non-vegetarian option within each. In addition, there is a sandwich bar and a salad bar.
Where do students go after graduating LPCUWC?Class of 2020 has received 544 university offers in total among 123 students, an average of 4 to 5 offers per student. They have also received more than USD 4.7 million worth of scholarship offers in total. Here is a list of university offers that our students have received over the years. Students have also received scholarships to attend different gap year programs.
What are the difference between the two rounds of applications?Students who submit their application forms by the first round deadline will be considered first and have priority over second round applicants.
What subjects do LPCUWC offer?These are the subjects that LPCUWC currently offer. There might be slight changes each year. Group 1: Studies in Language & Literature English (SL/HL) Chinese (SL/HL) Spanish (SL/HL) Self-taught Group 2: Language Acquisition English French Mandarin Spanish Group 3: Individuals & Societies Economics Geography History Business Management Environmental Systems & Societies Global Politics Group 4: Sciences Biology Chemistry Physics Environmental Systems & Societies Group 5: Mathematics Analysis & Approaches Applications & Interpretation (SL only) Group 6: The Arts Visual Arts Theatre
I am facing some technical issues with the SurveyMonkey Apply platform, what can I do?"This is a very helpful FAQ guide that covers a lot of the commonly asked question: You can also contact the technical support team at SurveyMonkey Apply.
Do I have to wait for my parents to complete their parent statement and for my recommender to complete their recommendation form before I can submit my application?No. As long as you have submitted a request for them to complete their recommendations, you can mark the task as complete and proceed to submitting your application. There is no need for you to wait for their completion.
My parents are not fluent in English, what should they do with parent statement?"Your parents are welcome to complete the parent statement using Chinese.
Does my recommender have to be a teacher?No. Your recommender can be anyone who knows you well such as your extra-curricular tutors or a mentor. However, your recommender should not be a relative or a friend.
What will my parent/recommender see after I send them a request?Your parent/recommender will receive an email invitation to complete the recommendation form. They will have to first register for an account using the same email address and complete a form designated for them.
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