Applied Learning Based On International Baccalaurate Diploma Program
The academic programme at LPCUWC is shaped by the requirements of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB), which UWC played a major part in its development.
To obtain an IB Diploma, students need to take one subject from each of the six subject groups, three at Higher Level and three at Standard Level. All students are also required to fulfill three Core Requirements - Extended Essay, Theory of Knowledge, and CAS Programme.
Students who study IB at LPCUWC or any other UWC will get the true flavour of what the diploma programme is all about, because of the distinctive set up that accentuates the academic experience.
Like most distinguish institutions, LPCUWC classes are small – 12 – 18 students – taught by highly qualified faculty members. One thing that further sets our classroom experience apart is our diverse student body.
With students coming from more than 80 different counties, our classrooms are often filled with viewpoints coming from variety of backgrounds, perspectives and cultures. As simple as a topic within World History will spark interesting discussions given students from Hong Kong could have very different perspectives from those who come from China, Africa or Europe.
These students also come from diverse education models that could emphasis differently on the importance of lecture, collaborative learning or memorization. As such, when put in the same classroom, students are put in a melting pot that forces them to exchange ideas on multiple levels, which facilitates critical discussions and increase academic rigor.
Unlike local curriculum, the International Baccalaureate curriculum heavily focuses on students applying their knowledge via projects and research.
Other than Internal Assessments (IAs) for Language courses and Extended Essay (EE), which are lengthy papers that students are required to complete within the IB curriculum, throughout their two years, students are also required to complete various projects within their chosen subject to apply their knowledge. True to the design of the IB curriculum, the faulty at LPCUWC will give freedom for students to define the project/research topic they are interested in, guide the students to refine the scope and approach, and assit them in completing the project/research.
Not only does this approach help students actualize their learning by practice, but such learning approach is also closely resembles how students learn at University level. This is why colleges and universities welcome our students, because they are very ready to benefit and contribute to the college / university academic community right from the start.
Other than students staying on campus during these two years, almost all of our faculty members also live on campus with their family members here at LPCUWC.
No matter inside or outside of classroom, students get more all-rounded support and access to teachers, whether its during school time or after classes have ended.
Teachers are also highly involved in student's afterschool activities and residential life, thus provide more in-depth perspectives on how each student are juggling around their commitments. If necessary, teachers can timely intervene to help students prioritize or directly assist them to focus on what's important.
Language & Literature
A Literature course or a Language & Literature course in offered at HL & SL in Chinese, English, or Spanish, or a SL “self-taught” Literature
Individuals & Societies
Business & Mgmt.
Env. Sys. & Societies
Global Politics
Analysis and approaches SL
Analysis and approaches HL
Applications and interpretation SL
Language Acquisition
Study of 2nd Language:
Environmental Systems & Societies
The Arts
Visual Arts
Another subject from Lang. & Lit., Lang. Acq., Indv. & Societies or Science
Core Requirements
Completion & Distinction in each of below will be counted as 1 point towards the final 45 points of the IBDP score
Core Requirements
All students are also required to fulfill three Core Requirements in order to complete the Diploma
Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
A course designed to encourage students to reflect on the nature of knowledge by critically examining different ways of knowing and kinds of knowledge
Extended Essay (EE)
A piece of personal research of approximately 4,000 words, on a individually chosen topic, overseen by a faculty member for guidance
Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS)
Experiences are organized under the Quan Cai program at LPCUWC with reflections on the experiences in a deliberate and structured manner